Helping out at school is a great way to get involved in your child’s education as well as get to know the staff and other parents and carers.
Research shows that children benefit when their parents or carers are actively involved in their education and school life.
You can help by:
- listening to children read in the classroom
- volunteering on sports days
- helping supervise excursions
- getting involved in fundraising activities
- joining school committees.
We encourage all parents/caregivers and community members to get involved in our school, however, before you begin there are a few things you must understand and complete in accordance with the Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012 for the safety, welfare, well-being and protection of students.
Information for volunteers
- As of 2017 all parent/community volunteers and contractors are required to have a valid working with children's check (WWCC) number.
- All volunteers must have completed the WPPS WWCC verification form and provided 100 points of identification to the school office (please see the form or below for acceptable documents) prior to working within the school.
- All volunteers should have completed the volunteer training session, read and understood the code of conduct and volunteer policy and work health and safety procedures including child protection.
- All volunteers must sign into the visitor/volunteer book at the office and wear a volunteer badge (green) at all times while on school grounds.
At the beginning of each year, a volunteer training session is provided. The training session for 2017 will take place on: Wednesday 21 February 2018 at 2pm in our school community room (E block)
The session is for over an hour and gives an outline of activities that students may be completing, some ideas for enjoying your time while assisting children with their learning and Child Protection and workplace health and safety.
In addition to the training session please ensure you have read and understood the WPPS volunteer policy (DOCX 150KB) and WPPS code of conduct form (PDF 212KB) highlighting details for volunteering parents/caregivers.