Windsor Park Public School

Our school, my future

Telephone02 4574 3070

About our school

Windsor Park public school provides a safe and happy environment in which students are encouraged to reach their full potential.

Great success has been achieved in many academic, cultural and sporting areas. Opportunities are provided for students to participate in academic competitions, band, choir, debating and a variety of individual and team sports. The number of students accessing these activities reflects the school's aim of encouraging students to 'have a go'. Student equity is a major focus within Windsor Park public school, particularly in the area of supporting students with special needs. The school caters for a number of students with low to moderate integration needs within mainstream classes and three supported classes for students with moderate to severe disabilities. 

School hours and supervision

School office hours                      

8:30am to 3:15pm

Morning supervision

In the interest of safety, children are not to arrive at school before 8:30am as supervision is not provided. There may be no-one to attend to their needs in an emergency. Teachers are not required to commence duty until half an hour before school commences.  There will be a teacher on playground duty from 8:30am to 9am. Administration staff are not permitted to supervise students. All students need to be lined up outside their classrooms at the 8:55am bell. Parents/caregivers are requested to leave the school grounds at 9am. If remaining onsite after 9am you must sign in at the administration office and obtain the appropriate badge so staff know that you have clearance to be on school grounds during school hours.

Lunchtime supervision

All children eat their lunches in their classrooms. Teachers reinforce manners and good eating habits. Students eat lunch from 1:30pm to 1:40pm. From 1:40pm to 2pm students can play under the covered outdoor learning area (COLA) and on the oval, there are two supervising teachers on duty at all times.

After-school supervision

Parents/caregivers are requested to collect their children promptly in the afternoon from under the COLA area at 3pm and not from the classrooms.

Children who are being picked up after 3pm are placed under the supervision of the teacher on bus duty located outside the school office, under the covered walkway.  Unless a child is participating in an organised after-school event or unless the school has been notified that the parent will be late, the school can legally phone the police to come and collect children who have not been picked up from the school by 4pm if, no one can be contacted or the school has received no contact.  Therefore we ask that you notify the School office by at least 2:50pm so a message can be sent to the students before the 3pm bell.