Student-led Canteen: Daily at Recess
This year, we will have various student groups selling snack items at recess. We will have a number of items available for sale, starting from $1. a list of these items will be advertised at the canteen. Money raised will go towards additional library resources, student initiatives and the Year 6 farewell.
Subway Online Ordering: Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays for Lunch
Subway Windsor has agreed to trial an online ordering service on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays in Term 1. Parents and carers will be able to place an order online through Flexischools and the students receive the meal at lunchtime. Subway will deliver the orders to the school office for distribution before eating time.
Please note that the school office cannot place your order or follow up on your Flexischools account. If issues arise, you would need to contact the provider directly on the number listed.